Compensation, Connected.

Payfederate is the AI-powered compensation platform for job pricing, salary ranges, pay communications, and job offers, designed to streamline enterprise compensation management and optimize compensation strategies with advanced compensation management software.

HubSpot Form


What you can do with Payfederate


Trusted Across the Landscape


Trusted By Compensation Experts


Inspire Confidence
In Your Compensation

Start with a strong foundation

Make compensation a team sport

Make compensation a team sport

Help employees see the whole picture


Do More With Less

Leverage an AI co-pilot

AI will never replace the human in HR, but it can make your life easier.

Rein In the job chaos

Too many overlapping jobs or inconsistent job descriptions?

Turn data into insight

With so much data at our fingertips, why is it so hard to access the information we want when we need it?


Hire with Offers that Fit

Generate and negotiate offers


The Basics

Trust but verify

You’ll want to ensure we care about your data at least as much as you do:

Plays nice with others

Good business tools don’t stand alone. We’ll integrate with your:

If data is the new oil, why let others tap your well?

Time really is money

You probably don’t have resources for a major project. That’s why Payfederate is:


The Basics

Optimize Compensation, Inspire Trust

Learn more about Payfederate